Midjourney 5: The Ultimate Guide
Midjourney 5 is a huge step forward in our AI technology. It builds on the success of previous editions while adding ground-breaking new capabilities to provide consumers with an unsurpassed image generating experience.
Today, let’s have a look at what’s new with the V5 basic model!
How To Use Midjourney 5
If you’ve never used MidJourney before, you can learn how to get started here:
There are two options for those of you who are currently using MidJourney to begin using V5:
- Enter “/settings” and choose “MJ Version 5”:
You are now ready to begin prompting with V5! You can return to the previous versions at any time by following the same steps.
- You may skip the above settings and just append ” — — v 5″ to the end of each prompt: (The current default mode is V4 if you do not specify.)
Outstanding Features of Midjourney 5
Midjourney version 5 introduces a few significant new features:
- Excellent User Input Responsiveness and Language Processing
V5 is substantially more ‘unopinionated’ than V3 and V4. It has been tweaked to offer a wide range of outputs while being very sensitive to user input, and natural language processing has been enhanced.
- Significantly improved image quality
The photos in Midjourney V5 are substantially greater resolution. V5’s default resolution is 1024*1024 pixels, which is the same as the upscaled images of V4.
- More Realism fewer ‘opinionated’
The V5 model can provide more realistic visuals than any other model MidJourney has ever published. The V5 model, while less ‘artistic’ than the V4 photos, allows users significantly more influence over the final image, as image details are extremely sensitive to what the prompts specify.
- Greater Stylistic Variety
Don’t be concerned that Midjourney v 5 will lose the ‘imaginary’ and ‘creative’ artwork features that V4 did; with the ‘stylize’ option and the associated descriptions in your prompts, V5 becomes even better with the details while maintaining the ‘artistic’ feel.
- Improved ‘Remix’ Function
‘Remix’ is a function in MidJourney – -v 5 that allows you to input two photographs and have them combined.
When you produce new images based on your image reference, you may now specify exactly how much effect your image reference should have on the entire question by putting ” — — iw” with the ratio of 0.5/1/2 after the prompts.
- Return of the Tile Parameter
Users can use the tile option to create seamless patterns and textures. A “tiled” backdrop image is a little image that is meant to repeat itself horizontally and vertically.
Comparing Midjourney 4 and 5
There are a few more significant differences between Midjourney v4 and Midjourney v 5. Let’s explore!
Making Individual and Realistic People From Scratch
One of the main draws for Midjourney users is it can build lifelike people from simple text inputs. For these sorts of requests, the changes between Midjourney v4 and v5 are rather striking.
Also read: Midjourney Discord: Step-by-Step Guide to Generate AI Images
Creating Celebrities
Similarly, when it comes to prompts involving celebrities, Midjourney 5 outperforms its predecessor, Midjourney v4.
Resolution and Upscaling Speed
Resolution increases and quicker processing times for upscaling are two more noticeable differences between Midjourney v4 and v5. The increased resolution may be observed in both the details (particularly the textiles) and the file sizes.
Typical Objects
Objects gain realism as well, if that is the intention. Everyday items, like hands, look to be an Achilles Heel for Midjourney at times. When it came to a basic command like “a hammer,” neither version performed particularly well.
If reality is the aim, one may argue that any of these outcomes is superior to the other. Midjourney v5 will outperform v4 when more explicit prompts are used.
Complicating Prompts
The greatest Midjourney outcomes are generally the product of a thoughtful and properly worded prompt. Aside from using weights and added modifiers to assist develop a picture, it appears that cramming a lot of descriptions separated by commas is a best practice that many experienced Midjourney users adhere to.
Maybe you will be interested: 99+ Best Midjourney Prompts That Will Surprise You
Some Drawbacks That Haven’t Been Improved
Overall, we’re pleased with the image quality and new capabilities of V5, but we’ve noticed that there are still certain flaws that existed in previous versions and have not been addressed by V5. Here are a few of them:
- Images with words
It’s still impossible using MidJourney to produce visuals that incorporate meaningful phrases.
- Strange hands
MidJourney has had a difficult time getting the hands and teeth just correct for some reason. The images created frequently have too few/too many fingers/teeth.
- The prompts cannot provide all of the necessary information
To be honest, V5 has made significant progress in comprehending prompts using natural language, but we have encountered several instances when attempting to utilize different versions of prompts, and MidJourney is still unable to capture all of the subtleties in my prompts.
- It can be annoying at times, but we’re certain that it will improve over time.
With so many new and enhanced features, Midjourney 5 is unquestionably a huge step forward. Some may worry that we’ll have to change what we’ve learned so far with each new edition of MidJourney. Well, perhaps.
However, we believe that the language we learned does not perish but rather grows. All of the preceding abilities and tactics are valid in previous editions, and acquiring new talents is always enjoyable, don’t you think?
In this tremendously fast-paced AI environment, if you stop learning, you will fall behind. Let’s keep learning together, and we can’t wait to share all the tips and techniques we discover along the way!
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