What is Stable Diffusion Prompts?

Stable Diffusion Prompts (SDP) is a method used in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the OpenAI’s ChatGPT system. It is a part of the GPT-3.5 model, which is the AI model I am based on.

SDP is a technique to enhance the interaction between ChatGPT and users. Instead of allowing users to specify a specific prompt, SDP uses a process called “diffusion” to share information from previous queries with subsequent prompt calls.

The diffusion process helps maintain the stability of prompts and ensures that the results from previous calls are not drastically changed. This allows users to have a more seamless interaction experience and avoids situations where prompts get “lost” or significantly altered.

With SDP, users can send multiple questions, make requests, or engage in continuous interaction with ChatGPT without having to repeat the entire initial prompt.

How to use Stable Diffusion Prompts

  • Start with an initial prompt: Begin by providing an initial prompt that describes your question or request in a detailed and clear manner.
  • Send subsequent prompts: Instead of repeating the entire initial prompt, you can send subsequent prompts without reiterating the previously mentioned information. You can continue the conversation by building upon the context established in the previous interactions.
  • Maintain coherence: It is helpful to maintain coherence in your prompts to ensure a smooth and continuous conversation. Refer back to previous responses or provide relevant context when necessary.
  • Iterate and refine: As you engage in the conversation, you can iterate and refine your prompts based on the responses received. Adjust the prompts to elicit the desired information or clarify any misunderstandings.

By following these steps, you can effectively utilize Stable Diffusion Prompts to interact with the ChatGPT system and have a more dynamic and continuous conversation experience.

Stable Diffusion Prompts About Neon Colors

Prompts #1

Stable Diffusion Prompts

City of the future, synthwave, pixel art, cyberpunk, neon colors, 3D render

Prompts #2

neon colors,

Highly detailed portrait of cute kitty dressed as an astronaut. the background is a stark, metallic landscape, with a futuristic cityscape visible in the distance. by atey ghailan, by eduard hopper, by greg tocchini, by james gilleard, grunge aesthetic graffiti

Prompts #3

Stable Diffusion Prompts

Beeple masterpiece, hyperrealistic surrealism, award winning masterpiece with incredible details, epic stunning, infinity pool, a surreal vaporwave liminal space, highly detailed, trending on artstation, vector graphics, solid shapes, adobe illustrator

Stable Diffusion Prompts About Graphic Design

Prompts #1

Stable Diffusion Prompts

Vintage selfie photo, Tintype of anthropomorphic aristocrat *your word*, perfect face, fine details, real life, ultra HD, super quality, 8k

Prompts #2

Stable Diffusion Prompts

Vintage selfie photo, Tintype of anthropomorphic aristocrat *your word*, perfect face, fine details, real life, ultra HD, super quality, 8k

Stable Diffusion Prompts About Concept Art

Prompts #1

Stable Diffusion Prompts About

Epic Mordor from LOTR, atmospheric, 8k, epic composition, cinematic, octane render, artstation landscape, photography by Carr Clifton & Galen Rowell, 16K resolution, Landscape veduta photo by Dustin Lefevre & tdraw, 8k resolution, detailed landscape painting by Ivan Shishkin, DeviantArt, Flickr, rendered in Enscape, Miyazaki, Nausicaa Ghibli, Breath of The Wild, 4k detailed post processing, artstation, rendering by octane, unreal engine

Prompts #2

Stable Diffusion Prompt

An alien city, alien architecture, purple, environment art, fantasy art, landscape art, in the style of greg rutkowski, illustration, epic, fantasy, intricate, smooth, sharp focus, ray tracing, fantasy art by craig mullins and thomas kinkade, concept art, octane render, unreal engine 5, trending on artstation, high quality, highly detailed, 8k hdr

Prompts #3

Stable Diffusion Prompt

a rocky valley on a distant planet, volcanic landscape, concept art, octane render, unreal engine 5, trending on artstation, high quality, highly detailed, 8k hdr, red sea, blue sand, high, coherence, path traced, serene landscape

Prompts #4

Stable Diffusion Prompt

rough ocean storm atmospheric, hyper realistic, 8k, epic composition, cinematic, octane render, artstation landscape vista photography by Carr Clifton, Galen Rowell, 16K resolution, Landscape veduta photo by Dustin Lefevre, tdra

Prompts #5

Stable Diffusion Prompt

A trail through the unknown, atmospheric, hyper realistic, 8k, epic composition, cinematic, octane render, artstation landscape vista photography by Carr Clifton & Galen Rowell, 16K resolution, Landscape veduta photo by Dustin Lefevre & tdraw, 8k resolution, detailed landscape painting by Ivan Shishkin, DeviantArt, Flickr, rendered in Enscape, Miyazaki, Nausicaa Ghibli, Breath of The Wild, 4k detailed post processing, artstation, rendering by octane, unreal engine

Pompts #6

Stable Diffusion Prompt

National geographic photo of beautiful forest sunset, mountains, 8k raw cinematic

Stable Diffusion Prompts About Cyberpunk

Prompts #1

Stable Diffusion Prompt

Shot of film by cyberpunk style, a super-modernized cyborg from the distant future in detailed data center, character design, violent storm symmetrical, strong, powerful, complementary color, golden ratio, detailed, sharp lines, trending on artstation, volumetric lighting, by masamune shirow, by josan gonzales, octane render

Prompts #2

Stable Diffusion Prompt

futuristic nighttime cyberpunk New York City skyline landscape vista photography by Carr Clifton & Galen Rowell, 16K resolution, Landscape veduta photo by Dustin Lefevre & tdraw, 8k resolution, detailed landscape painting by Ivan Shishkin, DeviantArt, Flickr, rendered in Enscape, Miyazaki, Nausicaa Ghibli, Breath of The Wild, 4k detailed post processing, atmospheric, hyper realistic, 8k, epic composition, cinematic, artstation

Prompts #3

Stable Diffusion Prompt

Detailed portrait of punk girl sheen holographic futuristic sci-fi fashion cyberpunk, (neotokyo), synthwave, (aesthetics), futuristic, bladerunner movie scene by ismail inceoglu dragan bibin hans thoma greg rutkowski alexandros pyromallis nekro rene margitte illustrated perfect face, fine details, realistic shaded, fine-face, pretty face sharp chine

Prompts #4

Stable Diffusion Prompts

Pinocchio face, perfect faces, fine details, gradient neon colors, insanely detailed and intricate, hypermaximalist, elegant, ornate, hyper realistic, super detailed, octane render, unreal engine, 4k Antoni Tudisco

Stable Diffusion Prompts About Creative

Prompts #1

Stable Diffusion Prompt

portrait of cute happy Flying Spaghetti Meatball Monster with eyes and mouth, extremely detailed oil painting, Studio Ghibli, Tim Hildebrandt, Bruce Pennington, masterpiece, award winning masterpiece with incredible details, highly detailed, trending on artstation, very surreal, sharp details, octane render, award-winning photograph, 8k

Prompts #2

Stable Diffusion Prompt

the universe inside transparent glass sphere, neon gradient, greg rutkowski masterpiece, hyperrealistic surrealism, award winning masterpiece with incredible details, epic stunning, highly detailed, trending on artstation, very surreal, sharp details

Prompts #3

Stable Diffusion Prompt

A detailed painting portrait inspired by moebius and beksinski of a demonic aliens with aurora inspired by detailed sculpture inspired by alien inspired by dieselpunk inspired by brain scan science fiction poster head and chest only upperbody cinematic sci – fi scene accurate anatomy symmetry portrait and science fiction theme with lightning aurora lighting clouds and stars smoke futurism fantasy by beksinski carl spitzweg baroque elements

Prompts #4

Stable Diffusion Prompt

Mini planet inside the bottle highly detailed digital painting artstation concept art smooth sharp focus illustration cinematic lighting art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha

Prompts #5

Stable Diffusion Prompts

scary necrosis demon/cat from hell night sky gradient neon colors extremely detailed perfect studio quality cgi by Wayne Douglas Barlowe

Stable Diffusion Prompts About Landscape

Prompts #1

Stable Diffusion Prompts About

Medieval cities on fire, epic battle, unreal 5, cinematic, 8k, unreal engine, beautiful, smoothly, concept art, oil painting, highly detailed, artstation, by wlop, by greg rutkowski, by artgerm

Prompts #2

Stable Diffusion Prompt

extraterrestrial civilization conquers space, tim hildebrandt, wayne barlowe, bruce pennington, donato giancola, larry elmore, oil on canvas, masterpiece, trending on artstation, featured on pixiv, cinematic composition, dramatic pose, beautiful lighting, sharp, details, hyper – detailed, hd, hdr, raw, 4k, 8k

Prompts #3

Stable Diffusion Prompt

A scary glowing green scifi portal to another world in darwin’s arch, ocean and rock landscape, science fiction, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, matte, sharp focus, illustration, art by greg rutkowski and rembrandt

Prompts #4

Stable Diffusion Prompts

Artgem and greg rutkowski masterpiece, hyperrealistic surrealism, award winning masterpiece with incredible details, epic stunning, infinity pool, a surreal vaporwave liminal space, highly detailed, trending on artstation, calming, meditative, pink arches, palm trees, very vaporwave, very very surreal, sharp details, dreamscape, giant head statue ruins

Prompts #5

Stable Diffusion Prompts

Medieval cities on fire, epic battle, unreal 5, cinematic, 8k, unreal engine, beautiful, smoothly, concept art, oil painting, highly detailed, artstation, by wlop, by greg rutkowski, by artgerm

Prompts #6

Stable Diffusion Prompts

extraterrestrial civilization conquers space, tim hildebrandt, wayne barlowe, bruce pennington, donato giancola, larry elmore, oil on canvas, masterpiece, trending on artstation, featured on pixiv, cinematic composition, dramatic pose, beautiful lighting, sharp, details, hyper – detailed, hd, hdr, raw, 4k, 8k